(Feeling) Joy

Feeling joy is an inside
job, never coming from others
no matter what we believe.
Joy cannot be purchased,
borrowed, created, or pursued.
Joy lives in your heart,
lit up in technicolor glory,
vibrant, radiant,
like Tigger,
already, always present
if you only allow yourself to
feel it.

Feeling joy comes from
exercising compassion,
practicing generosity,
acknowledging connection,
and leading with love
so you create a reality
where anything is
possible even when
everything seems

Feeling joy is your birthright.

Claim it.

© Hilary Clark ~ January 28, 2021

My poems are inspired by my art.  See the piece that inspired this poem here.

(Feeling) Depression

It all starts with feeling a little
blue. Shades of sky, cobalt, and
navy seep into my mind
like ocean waves.

The waves come to wash over
adversity, rejection, or loss.
Left to flow unchecked, the waves
grow larger, swamping the
happy times until

depression turns grey,
roiling like a stormy sea.

Buried deep, joy
reaches for the surface,
its fuchsia light flickering.

Depression loves its blues and
grey, even as joy fans its
fuchsia flame to
light the darkness

© Hilary Clark ~ November 11, 2020

My poems are inspired by my art.  See the piece that inspired this poem here.

(Feeling) Enlightened

Traveling through time and
space, certain the world
as I see it is real, I
miss signposts along the
way leading to

Perceived reality in the
quest for enlightenment
isn’t about doing or
having or being
better than someone

It’s not about
doing or
being or
at all.

Feeling enlightened just is.

Feeling enlightened is a
a feeling,
a spark of light.
Knowledge I’m not looking for
but know when I find it.


© Hilary Clark ~ August 31, 2020


My poems are inspired by my art.  See the piece that inspired this poem here.