(Feeling) Woeful

Wretched unhappiness spirals up and out of the
heart, pooling on the floor, a deep eddy of
sorrow and depression.  “Woe is me,”
she thinks.  She believes.
A bright, piercing gash of anguish scrapes her
soul raw, leaving her convinced (feeling)
woeful is her new normal.
It doesn’t have to be.
Normal is only normal if you let it.
Woe is only woe if you wallow.
What if she feeds on thoughts of joy instead?
A steady diet filled with zesty distractions and
platters of contradictions that reveal what she
believes is true and woeful is false.

One day, she wakes to discover
she has shed the weight of woe.


© Hilary Clark ~ 3/4/19

See the art here